In this video, you’ll learn how to segment your link prospects to personalize and scale your link building outreach campaigns.
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[Playlist] Advanced Link Building Course by Ahrefs ►
[Previous Lesson] How to Grow Your List of Prospects With “Lookalike Prospects” – 2.2. Link Building Course ►
[Next Lesson] How to Vet and Validate Link Prospects (Fast) – 3.1. Link Building Course ►
As you learned from previous tutorials, having good seed prospects helps you define proper pitch angles for your outreach campaign. And with lookalike prospects, you’re able to build a sizable and relevant list of link prospects.
But with such a huge list of prospects, it’s tough to send personalized emails at scale. Enter prospect segmentation.
Segmenting your link prospects can help you to scale personalized outreach emails, which is taught in this video.
You can use linkable points from your seed prospects to make your emails personalized, which means that you can send virtually the same email to many prospects in your list.
To do it efficiently, you have to group your prospects by segment.
Watch the video to learn how to do it at scale.
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