Dixon Jones

Dixon is a well-known, respected and award-winning member of the Internet Marketing community with 20 years of experience in search marketing and 25 years of business innovation.

He has an immense depth of knowledge about the Internet Marketing world and business start-ups.

Over the last decade,he was dedicated to building the business as Marketing Director of Majestic – the world’s largest link intelligence database.

He is now heavily involved in owning the Entity SEO tool space as CEO on Inlinks.net.

Please welcome Dixon Jones!


28:22 – How did Dixon got into SEO?

It all started when Dixon builds a website for his “murder mystery” game company. When he tried to search his own website on Yahoo (which is the leader of search engines that time), it didn’t give him accurate results. And this is what drives him to learn SEO.

39:33 – Dixon’s journey into becoming a CEO

Being a CEO is not a walk in the park. For Dixon, it’s quite a hell of a ride that feels like a roller coaster before he got into a CEO position. Luckily, everything was worth it in the end.

43:21 – The truth behind Google and how it connects to NLP programs

Having a better and aggressive NLP program helps with entity distribution in Google. This is where Dixon created a tool that helps alleviate this problem in terms of content that SEOs can use.

46:47 – The importance of entities as explained by Dixon

With trillions of data on the internet, SEOs have the opportunity to scavenge for ideas or entities. But once these entities are indexed, it’s going to be a lot harder since most information will be hidden underneath. In this section, Dixon gives us an in-depth explanation of handling entities.

51:52 – Why you should read Google scholarly articles

If you want to dive deep into SEO, or anything you want to learn in general about the internet, Google scholarly articles are your best friend as per Dixon.

55:05 – Do deep links boost SEO?

For Dixon, deep links doesn’t affect SEO based on Google’s algorithm. This is because Google is continually expanding its information gathering, which results to different methods or structures in the horizon.

56:37 – Dixon’s tips in becoming an SEO professional

Following and building a network of people that you trust the most is the key for becoming an SEO professional, according to Dixon.


Links to all videos in this weeks episode:

New and improved crawl stats for your site

1. Total number of requests grouped by response code, crawled file type, crawl purpose, and Googlebot type.
2. Detailed information on host status
3. URL examples to show where in your site requests occurred
4. Comprehensive summary for properties with multiple hosts and support for domain properties

Hmm Search

What is the process of building SEO strategy? | SEO Strategy Process | Learn from Fiverr

Keyword Research for SEO in 2020: Guide, Steps, Tips, Tools, Mistakes and more!

Mathew Woodward just released a new video series called Unboxed SEO on his YouTube channel and this clip is all about what he calls index bloat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCHOCzd5roo

Speaking of Screaming Frog I saw they had another big update to the software this week.

Yoast SEO news webinar – November 2020

Trillions of Questions, No Easy Answers: A (home) movie about how Google Search works

Microsite: https://www.google.com/search/howsearchworks/

Understanding BERT’s Role in SEO?

Search Quality Rater Guidelines https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/guidelines.raterhub.com/en//searchqualityevaluatorguidelines.pdf

Bill and Ammons Bogus Hangout #272

376 & 377 | Dixon Jones – What Does Semantic Search Mean? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzoX62ar0hk

Recommended videos by Dixon:
SMX West 2016 – How Google Works: A Google Ranking Engineer’s Story- Paul Haahr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJPu4vHETXw

Improving Search Over the Years (WMConf MTV ’19) – Paul Haahr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeW-9fhvkLM

Dream big: we printed the Internet in space | Dixon Jones | TEDxAstonUniversity

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