Eric Lancheres

Eric Lancheres – Owner @ & Traffic Research

Guest Bio:

Eric has been an Ex-Affiliate Marketer Turned SEO Researcher, Speaker, and Coach – Since 2006.

He is one of the most respected SEO experts in the world. He has been featured as an authority at Traffic & Conversion Summit, SEO Rock Stars, and countless other interviews and podcasts.

He is the owner of Traffic Research, membership for online businesses looking to improve their rankings.

He usually commands $1,000+ per hour rates and has now automated his expert processes inside the On-Page.AI technology.

Please welcome Eric Lancheres!


Knowledge Bombs:

19:29 – How does Eric get page one ranking on Google

It’s all about building the best page based on your chosen query according to Eric. And if you feel like your page isn’t doing well in ranking, then building content and backlinks that helps support its rank is the best way to boost it up.

21:03 – Eric’s first steps into SEO

Eric became interested in SEO because it is fun. He treats this like playing a game inside an engine where you learn and win if you do well. For him, this is a win-win situation based on your SEO skills.

21:38 – How did Eric learn SEO when he first started it?

Eric started with affiliate marketing, and when he started to dig deeper into it to earn money, he then joined groups such as SEO masterminds to learn from the experts.

24:29 – How did Traffic Research started?

As the founder of Traffic Research, Eric shared a lot of key points how this company started from the ground up. This includes training people to be an SEO mastermind in a weekly basis, as well as him turning into an SEO mentor.

25:45 – Patent whisperer link technique as explained by Eric

According to Eric, there is no right way to use SEO, but rather there are plenty of ways on how to do SEO. For example, making a general news article for patents that people can discover on Google is a neat trick. Doing so helps boost up patent discovery that people will talk about.

27:33 – Eric’s tips for newbies on affiliate SEO

For Eric, the best way for newbies to start affiliate SEO is to build a site on a certain industry and become an expert on that specific field. Focusing on one subject helps your site to grow quicker and Google will reward you bigtime for that.

30:40 – What CTR tactics does Eric use?

Eric uses a lot of CTR tactics that can help boost websites. This includes phone emulation or ctr software that helps websites to be active. Doing so helps Google to recognize that such a website is still relevant because of its high CTR.

32:19 – How would Eric help an eCommerce site to promote a newly launched collection?

Eric suggests that you should work with your manufacturer in promoting new launched products. Aside from that, building a whole bunch of links to your category page helps boost your products discoverability as well.

33:49 – How to build good level topical relevance for laptop affiliate niches?

The simplest way is to add more content that doesn’t overlap your main one, as what Eric said. So, if you’re talking about laptops, then it should be all about laptops. The same thing goes for whatever niche you prefer.

35:28 – What does Eric think about schema?

Eric believes that schema helps in boosting rankings. Although it works in providing huge boosts in ranking, he thinks that this is not the most optimal way to do so and there are plenty of alternatives that one can use.

39:31 – What keyword cluster tool does Eric use?

Eric uses a keyword cluster tool that integrates with AHREFS as well as other tools like Keyword Cupid too. But other than that, Eric advices that you should avoid writing the same thing over and over again for the sake of keyword count.

41:13 – How did Eric became an SEO consultant without people worrying about his price ranges?

According to Eric, everything happened like an accident. As what he said, if you want to become an expert that charges a big amount of money, especially in the SEO industry, you need to prove it. Doing so helps build trust knowing that you can solve big problems despite the price.

44:12 – How did Eric’s On-Page AI tool was born?

The birth of Eric’s On-Page AI tool happened when he was testing other tools and it just doesn’t fit right for him. Thus, making his own that gives more accurate results that can help SEO beginners and pros alike.

1:00:40 – Is Eric’s On-Page AI tool suitable for local SEO like dentists?

Yes, the On-Page AI tool is perfectly suitable for local SEO as what Eric said. He shares that most of his friends nearby are using his tool as well because of its rich features and result accuracy.

1:01:56 – Is On-Page AI tool best for topical relevance?

Eric shares that the tool has a built-in topical keyword explorer that helps generate relevant keywords based on your chosen content. Thus, helping you build topics based on the keywords that matches on your preferred topic.

1:03:36 – Is clustering dead?

Eric loves clustering. He said that keyword clustering is very useful for creating a bunch of content. This means that clustering is still here to stay, especially that the SEO industry is getting more competitive than ever.

1:07:40 – Eric’s advice in becoming an SEO professional

Being open to a bunch of ideas in terms of SEO is the best way to learn SEO, as what Eric said. For him, SEO is just like a game where you can have fun while building your skills the more you tinker with it.


Topic Timestamps:

19:29 – How does Eric get page one ranking on Google
21:03 – Eric’s first steps into SEO
21:38 – How did Eric learn SEO when he first started it?
24:29 – How did Traffic Research started?
25:45 – Patent whisperer link technique as explained by Eric
27:33 – Eric’s tips for newbies on affiliate SEO
30:40 – What CTR tactics does Eric use?
32:19 – How would Eric help an eCommerce site to promote a newly launched collection?
33:49 – How to build good level topical relevance for laptop affiliate niches?
35:28 – What does Eric think about schema?
39:31 – What keyword cluster tool does Eric use?
41:13 – How did Eric became an SEO consultant without people worrying about his price ranges?
44:12 – How did Eric’s On-Page AI tool was born?
1:00:40 – Is Eric’s On-Page AI tool suitable for local SEO like dentists?
1:01:56 – Is On-Page AI tool best for topical relevance?
1:03:36 – Is clustering dead?
1:07:40 – Eric’s advice in becoming an SEO professional


Google News:

Google posted a new blog on the Google Search Central blog titled “Optimizing website performance with a Search Console bubble chart.”

Analyzing Search performance data is always a challenge, but even more so when you have plenty of long-tail queries, which are harder to visualize and understand.

The post provides tips to help you uncover opportunities to optimize your site’s Google Search performance.

Chase Reiner started a new stream called the SEO Guru Stream.

Ruan Marinho shared a great tip on keyword research. Let’s check it out.

My SEO strategy always includes PPC.

In my 15+ years in enterprise SEO, I’ve managed SEO/PP and created a complete Search strategy.

You can find these keywords in your search terms report inside Google ads.

How to get a featured snippet by Bill Hatzer

Schema markup is something we constantly preach here on the SEO Video Show.

There are free schema generators like

Speaking of Schema, Jonny Ross was on Rank Ranger this past week, and he gave us three options and steps on how to implement schema.

Another tool you can use to implement schema is Schema App, and in exactly one month, we have the CEO Matha Van Berkel on the show to talk more about it.

Erin Sparks gives his thoughts on the recent thin content question John Muller was asked on the latest Google Hangouts.

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