Google SEO Tips: Duplicate Content

In this video, learn Google SEO tips regarding duplicate content and its usage. Does Google penalize duplicate content. Are you able to rank duplicate content. And should you be utilizing duplicate content. All of these Google search engine optimization questions will be answered in today’s duplicate content SEO tips video.

I decided to go ahead and make this video after a subscriber left a message regarding press release backlinks and the distribution of press releases utilizing the same links and utilizing the same content on a number of websites.
The main concern was if we keep consistently linking to the same website with in the press release utilizing the duplicated content will it have a ranking decrease a ranking increase or will it have no effect at all. I wanted to go ahead and expand on this question because I thought that it would be very good to not only discuss the duplicate constant side of things but also the backlinking from duplicate content.

If you have questions like the Google SEO duplicate content question that I was answering in today’s video please feel free to go ahead and ask about duplicate content, Google SEO, or anything search engine optimization related so I can make a video for you.
#duplicatecontent #googleseo #chrispalmerseo
0:00 Google SEO Tips Duplicate Content-Intro

Chris Palmer SEO – Internet Marketing Services
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 810-1080

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