Today’s on-page SEO 2022 SEO Expert Case Study , I’d like to go over an On-Site SEO expert case study that I’ve been working on .
This video will cover on site optimization that was done for a local search term in a very high Lee competitive area for the SEO term SEO expert. I want to go ahead and go through the importance’s of on Page search engine optimization in this video and I will cover everything starting at the very beginning until the end so you can also become a SEO expert in on-page optimization.
I will be discussing everything starting at the very top with the title of your web page. Then I will work through some of the other factors including your H1 tags and your age two tags along with H3 tags and H4 tags along with your H5 & H6 meta tags. After you have addressed your title and you’re heading tags you will then need to pay close attention to your subheadings and body content. The optimization within your body content is massively important especially utilizing the right words the right amount of times and making sure that they are in the correct places.
I wanted to make sure that I was very thorough as far as optimizing this page and I want to go ahead and point out some of the most important places that you need to be sure that you optimize and also covers some of the key nuances that you really need to pay attention to including entities along with your LSI keywords for your SEO content writing.
If you have any questions related to on-page SEO or search engine optimization please feel free and go ahead and ask in the section below I always and willing to help you with anything on page SEO or SEO related. #onpageseo #seoexpert #chrispalmerseo
0:00 On-Page SEO – SEO Expert Case Study 2022
1:00 On-Page SEO Case Study
2:00 SEO Case Study
4:00 SEO Expert
6:00 Expert SEO
8:00 On-Page SEO Expert
10:00 SEO Expert On-Page Case Study
Chris Palmer Marketing SEO
30 W Broad St fl2
Tamaqua PA 18252
(570) 810-1080